Happy Women’s History Month!

Juliette Wallace | March 20, 2024

Welcome to Women’s History Month. The month of March is meant to celebrate the successes and struggles of women, (not to be the only time we do so). We’re given this month to dedicate time to highlight the plight of women for gaining our rights, political representation, education, voting, church life, and science. In summation: everywhere.

As it pertains to us here at Central, women have endured a long-lasting endeavor to be recognized in the church as capable leaders in all areas. We recognized this month as a time to celebrate and challenge ourselves to include women in all areas: as preachers, as adult Sunday school teachers, as deacons, and as heads of committees. These opportunities were unheard of to young women like my mom who grew up in 1980s Bible Belt, USA. In 2024, it is commonplace and should be seen as normal. However, the mere fact that women still need a month to celebrate our history while men don’t is proof of how far we still have to go. True equity would mean women’s history is valued as much as men’s and we don’t need an annotation on March 1st of our calendar’s to remember Women’s History.

If you want to be part of the month of celebration, here are a few ideas of ways you can support women this month:

Familiarize yourself with popular women’s issues right now. Consent, abortion rights, fair pay, ect.

Read and sign BWIM’s Open Letter to Baptist Women.

Consider donating to organizations that help get period products to people who menstruate in need. Girls Helping Girls Period helps people who menstruate within the United States. UN Women helps globally for women in need of supplies during war times.

Register to vote. And research how political issues impact women and the people you’re voting for in local elections!

This month would be a great time to start a new habit of using gender diverse pronouns for God. God is neither man nor woman, God is more than that and incompasses us all. Assigning male pronouns to God makes us think of God as a man instead of who God really is.

Holy Week and Easter finish this month out. Instead of thinking about the holiday as just about Jesus, consider the women who walked with him. The women at his feet or the women who found him after his resurrection deserve our attention. Read their stories, talk about them in Sunday school, and know their names.

Finally, remember women, women’s history, and women’s issues throughout the year. March is just the month they named “Women’s History Month”. We can celebrate women’s history year round, though, and it starts with recognizing that all history is women’s history.

Happy Women’s History Month!


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