Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Our Divine Mother Bear

Today Juliette and I made our way to Frankfort for a rally at the capitol to support trans rights.  While we weren't large in numbers, there was a beautiful sense of community.  Several folks shared their hopes and fears and told their stories.  As we introduced ourselves to our fellow protesters, we were often met with kind incredulity when we mentioned we were from a Baptist church, but we were accepted and greeted with smiles, handshakes, and warm hugs.  

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Advent Missions Opportunities

We have several opportunities to help folks in our community and region this Christmas season.  From winter wear to Christmas gifts, there is plenty of need all around.  We're grateful for the chance to support the good work of schools and ministries in our area.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

2024 Advent Events

We look forward to celebrating our familiar Advent worship and fellowship traditions this year.  We hope you'll join us as we celebrate the light living among us this Advent.  

Blog Post | Kurt Snyder

One More Stitch: A Poem By Kurt Snyder

Kurt Snyder read this original poem during our All Saints Service.

“Just one more stitch” I heard her say,
“Supper’s on, I’m on my way.
This quilt ain’t done and it needs to be,
For winter’s comin’, soon you’ll see.”

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

A Prayer for Election Day

There's a sign in Richmond that I've been driving past since I was in high school.  It's a small sign that someone placed by their mailbox that reads “the wages of sin is death.”  Growing up in a religious household, I knew the scripture well, but it always felt a little heavy-handed. It was many years before I realized that the other side of the sign actually had the rest of the verse, “the free gift of God is eternal life.”  Unfortunately, the more hopeful message is only visible across a couple of lanes of traffic.  There's little chance that folks are going to get the other side of the story.

Blog Post | Transition Development Committee

Intentional Interim Update

The Transition Development Committee has been working for several months to find a candidate for our Part Time Intentional Interim position.  While this part time position will involve preaching up to two times a month, the primary responsibility of the Intentional Interim Minister will be to guide us through the process of understanding our congregational identity and discerning our vision for the future.  This is an important part of helping us determine who will be the best fit for our next minister.  After much work, we are pleased to present Carrol Wilson as the candidate for our Part Time Intentional Interim Minister position.

Blog Post | Transition Development Committee

Information from the Transition Development Report

Thanks to everyone who attended the update from the Transitional Development Committee last Sunday.  We had a wonderful group of folks and some great discussions. Here is a brief summary of some key takeaways:

Blog Post | Transition Development Committee

Transition Development Committee Update

We have focused our attentions in the past few months on celebrating Mark Johnson. We are blessed that we were led and loved by him for 19 years.  Now comes the work. Our committee has been working to prepare us for this time using resources from the Center for Congregational Health. This is an organization that specializes in this transitional process and has been recommended by several in our church with experience in these transitions.
Who is on the Transitional Development Committee?

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Upcoming Worship Services

We're excited to welcome several guest preachers this fall.  From familiar voices to leadership from our denominational partners, we welcome these friends in the faith. Times of transition can sometimes open our hearts and minds to the presence of God moving in us, among us, and beyond us in fresh ways.  As we continue in the traditions of our worship together, perhaps we'll have the opportunity to see the guidance of God in our past, present, and future from this unique vista.

Blog Post | Worship Committee

Worship Committee Reflections Highlights

The Worship Committee is grateful for the participation in this writing process and the responses are helpful in planning future worship experiences.

Central Baptist Church