The teaching ministry of Jesus was not performed in the safety of a classroom with inquiring and compliant students hanging on every word. He did not stay protected behind the walls of a close-knit religious fellowship who offered him unconditional love. He did not put pen to paper or surround himself with scribes who recorded his words of wisdom while being shielded by great distances from where the real life action took place. Granted, you can still get yourself into hot water while operating in these fields, but the teachings of Jesus were offered in the most vulnerable and high-risk types of settings. This week, we journey with him through holy week as recorded in the 22nd chapter of Matthew's gospel. Once again, Jesus proves himself a master of grace, wisdom and insight while under enormous pressure. As his followers, there are lessons here for us too, as we seek to live with the stresses of our lives. Join us this Sunday as we allow him to teach us, not only with words but also with a witness that can transcend our troubles.
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