Gratitude as Foundation

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Sermons | June 10, 2018

This Sunday, we continue our reflections upon the importance of gratitude as we listen anew to this peculiar story from our Gospel lesson.   Amazingly, while Jesus is going about doing good, he is actually accused of being an agent, not of goodness but of evil.   Even during the earthly ministry of our LORD, things got all twisted around.  Doing good and trying to be good in the midst of the doing of it has never been easy.  Jesus faced many of the same obstacles that still challenge us today.   This Sunday, we question the foundation upon which we are building our lives.  Is the expression of our lives rooted in generosity, kindness, gratitude or love?  Or are there weeds in the garden of our soul, weeds of jealously, fear and division?  Take another step with us this summer on the gratitude journey.

Central Baptist Church