Sunday Worship - Christ and Community

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Sermons | May 28, 2017

We continue our series, The Journey Must Continue, this Sunday as we reflect on 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11.  It does not take long on the journey of faith to find that this is not a road of ease and comfort.  The way of Jesus is not a path to privilege, but a call to serve each other and walk alongside each other in our joys and sorrows alike. The church is called to be a place of sanctuary, not in isolation from our community, but deeply engaged with those around us.  The call of Jesus to bring justice and liberation extends to the church and may lead to shadowy paths, but the community of sisters and brothers of faith standing in solidarity can bring hope and light.  Join us as we consider how we can support and encourage each other on our journey.

Central Baptist Church