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Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Under This Name

A naming controversy over an infamous bridge in Alabama is an appropriate location to reflect upon the polarities that divide us. American is stretched and pulled by the unavoidable differences arising from our cultural, racial, historical and personal experiences. We are cut off by our past and the hidden truths we refuse to acknowledge or the shame we are too frightened to confront. Distance and denial walk happily hand-in-hand when there’s little motivation to reach across the divide that separates the human more at my blog

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Read Mark's New Travel Blog

A blog invitation to, yes, another blog!

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Advent is Upon Us!

Let's prepare for the Daily Advent Devotional!

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Offering Loving Support to Our Jewish Friends

Now is the time for peaceful, courageous and prayerful action...

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Looking Ahead at Central

During these days of transitions, we underscore our commitments and prayerfully prepare for our future.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Another Success with Quinn Chapel

Read about our wonderful experience with Quinn Chapel A.M.E. on July 29th for a joint worship service and picnic on their church grounds on Charles Avenue.


Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Lend Your Support to the Burma Human Rights and Freedom Act of 2018.

Please follow the links in this article to learn more about the crisis of the Rohingya and sign the petition for Senator Mitch McConnell.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Next Steps -by Mark J.

During the summer, we will be offering "Next Steps."  It will provide a way to follow-up from the previous Sunday's theme with a very specific course of action.  These steps might invite further reading and study, or introduce and teach a welcoming and deepening spiritual practice, or suggest a change in behavior, to join a plan of service or to set in motion a specific way to offer a helping hand to someone in need.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Beyond Thoughts and Prayers - Part Two -by Mark J.

A few constructive suggestions in addition to "Thoughts and Prayers" for responsible gun safety

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Beyond Thoughts and Prayers -by Mark J.

A Prayer of Lament and Hope for Our Despondent Spirits 

The following is a prayer I offered tonight at our regular Wednesday night prayer in light of the horrific, disturbing and far too often school shootings, this time closer to home at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky.  This prayer is influenced by language offered by my friend and colleague, Rabbi David Wirtschafter, whose Facebook post became a launching pad for my own meditations.  May we all (Jews, Christians and all persons of goodwill) work, work, work beyond our prayers and for a better and safer tomorrow.   A future post will highlight actual action steps.

Central Baptist Church