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Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Running Well -by Mark J.

An unknown runner inspires a preacher on vacation with a one word sermon.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

My Letter to the Lexington Cemetery Board

Early next week the Lexington Cemetery Board will consider the recommendation from the Lexington City Council to relocate the controversial statues at Cheapside to the Cemetery.  Here's the letter I sent to the board in support of this action.  Please pray for wisdom, compassion and fairness to undergird all decisions that guide the peace and well-being of our city.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

An Advent Invitation to Bible Reading

As we begin the new church year and celebrate the First Sunday of Advent, I invite you to be a part of an exciting and helpful resource to take a deeper journey with your knowledge and experience of the Bible.

The goal is to provide resources to make Bible reading more "insightful, practical and transformative." Each course features 3-6 video lectures from 5-7 minutes in length.  The presenters are from a rich ecumenical community of modern and moderate scholarship mostly from Baptist, Episcopal, Methodist and Presbyterian traditions.  

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Donate to Louisiana Flood Relief

Offer your help to the victims of flood damage.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

We Stand Together and Speak as One

Today's joint statement on the racial tensions gripping our country in the wake of recent events.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

The God Who Suffers (and Delivers) 2016 LENT THEME

Join us for Worship every Sunday in Lent at 11 a.m. starting February 14 where we will focus on the theme of seeking and relying on God's presence during times of trial and crisis.  

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Practice Peace, The True Gift of Christmas

In a religious culture thousands of miles wide and one milliliter deep, it's time to re-discover the true Jesus and his message of peace.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Allowing Scriptures to Breathe

I embrace a dynamic view of Holy Scripture.  Each week, I gather with area ministers across many different Christian denominations to discuss the lectionary passages we are working through for that week’s sermon.  I spend a considerable amount of time reading what others, far, far smarter than me, have thought, written and preached about these same passages from long ago in church history and more recently from modern scholarship and in dialogue with other academic disciplines.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson


Please allow me to offer my heartfelt appreciation for everyone's love concern and prayers for my well-being.  I am doing tremendously better after a bicycle accident on Thursday, July 30.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Reading Ephesians

Before you begin reading Ephesians, I offer these words of reminder and instructions that should guide all our scripture reading.

Central Baptist Church