Blog Post | Crystal Shepherd

Prayers of the People 2-25-18 -by Crystal

Rev. Crystal Shepherd shared this prayer this past Sunday with the congregation.  Please join us as we pray for people both near and far.  

Blog Post | Charles Conkin

Prayers of the People -by Charles

Prayer offered Sunday from Charles Conkin

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Beyond Thoughts and Prayers - Part Two -by Mark J.

A few constructive suggestions in addition to "Thoughts and Prayers" for responsible gun safety

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Beyond Thoughts and Prayers -by Mark J.

A Prayer of Lament and Hope for Our Despondent Spirits 

The following is a prayer I offered tonight at our regular Wednesday night prayer in light of the horrific, disturbing and far too often school shootings, this time closer to home at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky.  This prayer is influenced by language offered by my friend and colleague, Rabbi David Wirtschafter, whose Facebook post became a launching pad for my own meditations.  May we all (Jews, Christians and all persons of goodwill) work, work, work beyond our prayers and for a better and safer tomorrow.   A future post will highlight actual action steps.

Blog Post | Crystal Shepherd

Prayer of Hope and Healing -by Crystal

This prayer, written by Rev. Crystal Shepherd and offered during our Service of Hope & Healing, invites us to remember the suffering in the world around us while remembering that God is always near, bringing hope and light.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Running Well -by Mark J.

An unknown runner inspires a preacher on vacation with a one word sermon.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Recommended Reading from the Minister's Class

The following is a list of books recommended by folks from Central Baptist Church as formative and meaningful in their Christian journey.  Please speak with the appropriate person if you would like more information about any of the following books.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

My Letter to the Lexington Cemetery Board

Early next week the Lexington Cemetery Board will consider the recommendation from the Lexington City Council to relocate the controversial statues at Cheapside to the Cemetery.  Here's the letter I sent to the board in support of this action.  Please pray for wisdom, compassion and fairness to undergird all decisions that guide the peace and well-being of our city.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Questioning White Heritage

As a predominately white descendent of 19th Century Irish and English immigrants to the United States, I am confused by the term “white heritage.”  My mother tells me of an Native American grandmother somewhere down branch on the family tree.  It wouldn't surprise me to find a smattering of other ethnicities in the bloodline, those with stories too shameful to get past the filter of our acceptable family narratives.

Blog Post | Charles Conkin

Alliance Gathering Report

Each year I am reminder and encouraged by my time meeting at the Alliance of Baptists Annual Gathering. It is always a nice and peaceful week to be among other Baptists who think and act as we do at Central. This year the theme was Embracing God’s Call to Justice and Love. And much of what we heard was in our grand tradition of provocation and dissent.  In order to live out our calling to be love and work toward justice, it is imperative for us to understand our heritage as Baptists and our history of dissent.

Central Baptist Church