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Blog Post | Mark Johnson

A Special Pastoral Word

Happy feet like to dance.  Happy hands applaud.  Happy faces wear happy smiles.  But everything over these past two challenging years has not been particularly happy.  A world-impacting pandemic has outfitted us with lead boots and handcuffs.   Even if we felt like smiling, few might notice while we cooperated, as was necessary, with the simple courtesy of wearing a mask during such a time of trial and testing.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Community Connections with Dr. Deborah Alexander (video)

At our first Community Connections meeting, we had an enlightening discussion with Dr. Deborah Alexander about her current work with Afghan refugees in our community.  Dr. Alexander is uniquely qualified from her own experience as one of the first civilians to enter Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks.  

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

March's Book of the Month

This month we're reading Anam Ċara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue. For me this book is like a deep cleansing breath.  O’Donohue’s lyrical prose is something to be sensed and felt as much as understood—after all, he was also a poet.  There is a lovely discussion of these themes with the author that was my introduction to O'Donohue and this work at On Being with Krista Tippett.  

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Ukraine Support

Our hearts continue to turn to the needs and sufferings of the people from Ukraine. We often don’t know what to do beyond our shared sorrow and frequent prayers.  A recent conversation with my friend and Kentucky pastor, Roger Jasper offered me some consolation.  Some of you might recognize Roger's last name by way of his mother, Scarlette Jasper.  She is the person we have partnered with and supported through the excellent care and compassion she offers to the needs of Eastern Kentucky with Together for Hope.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Celebrating the Voices of Women During Lent

During this season of Lent, we hope you will join us for worship as we encounter familiar texts from women's perspectives.

At the end of the Summer in 2021, Hebrew Scholar Dr. Wilda Gafney offered the church a new lectionary for consideration. The “Woman’s Lectionary For The Whole Church” is a new resource she has developed for congregational use in addition to the Revised Common Lectionary that has been in use for over 70 years by mainline congregations.  Her new work invites churches to consider many of our familiar Biblical texts from the perspective of women.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

A Prayer for Ukraine

While we watched with much of the world, hoping for a peaceful resolution to the Russian advancement on Ukraine, we are deeply saddened at the needless violence and loss of life. We join with people of faith around the world in prayer for peace in Ukraine.  This prayer from the Week of Compassion, the Disciples of Christ global relief ministry is a good place to begin when it's difficult to find words for such tragic and senseless events. 

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

New Song by Daniel Bailey

Daniel Bailey has written a new song responding to the journey of women in ministry. A long-time Central member now in Oklahoma, Daniel is currently studying at Baptist Seminary of Kentucky.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Tornado Disaster Relief Update

CBF Kentucky has raised over $70,000 to support relief efforts in Mayfield and Bremen. There's still plenty of time to help with these ongoing efforts to support those affected by this disaster.  Whether you'd like to offer financial support or even volunteer to assist with cleanup efforts, there are opportunities to help.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

February's Book of the Month

I would like to invite you to read with me Parker J. Palmer’s A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life.  While we are normally concerned with the problems and challenges of the outward life, few resources help us focus on an equally and vitally important priority by seeking to look within.  I find this book rightly pinpoints much of our difficulty in living worried, anxious, stressful and often unfulfilled lives as a divided inner self that is uneasy on how to live authentically in healthy community with others.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Mental Health in a Season of Extra

we'd like to offer some encouragement to care for our mental and emotional health.  Over the next few months, we're going to offer a few informational classes on pertinent mental health issues.  Each topic will begin with a presentation from a mental health professional from our congregation.  These are not group therapy sessions, but we hope you'll find encouragement and some tools to help you along your journey.

Central Baptist Church