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Blog Post | Charles Conkin

Proof of Presence by Charles Conkin

A prayer offered in worship by Charles Conkin on Sunday, March 29, 2020. Let us join our voices and offer our prayers to God. O God, our hope of passed days and our refuge in our present time, what a great uncertainty we live in. We cannot know what tomorrow will bring with the increasing unrest. We cannot get through to the other side with the numbers growing. We cannot see an end in sight and that makes us uncomfortable. So we come together, through our multitude of platforms, with an unfettered faith, knowing that you will hear our prayers and you will guide our days.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Passing the Digital Peace

I'm generally not a fan of social media. I don't usually post much on Facebook—it's much too easy to make folks mad, and I don't have the emotional constitution to deal with that. In my experience, social media platforms seem to facilitate talking past each other rather than fostering real conversations. I often feel like everybody has a soapbox and microphone, and we just shout back and forth. I do, however, love cat videos. Strangely, over the last couple of weeks, I have found more peace, comfort, and encouragement from online video meetings, YouTube chats, Facebook posts, and emails than I could have ever imagined.

Blog Post | Raleigh Kincaid

Prayers of Love

My dear church family, let me share some news and some thoughts. You may have heard that I have been in the hospital. I was in the coronavirus testing, rule out, and other isolation since Monday night. Spoiler alert - it’s Thursday and I’m home now! I do have some health issues that probably contributed to the symptoms that, along with my compromised immune system, led them to take these measures. Hopefully, things are on a better path now. The Covid-19 test was negative, and assuming it continues to be, I am hopefully on the mend and working on dealing the other health issues that this incident brought to light.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Everything Belongs - Chapter 6

As we close out our reading of Everything Belongs, Rohr kindly brings us back to the beginning.  He uses several images in this chapter to describe this movement back to the Sacred, from thresholds to shadows.  All of his metaphors seem to lead us back to where we started—God's presence in all things.  

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Everything Belongs - Chapter 5

At our writers retreat last weekend, we spent some time working through different prompts. Some of the prompts helped us explore a genre or style of writing—several provided a lens through which we could examine our own inner landscapes.  One of the beautiful effects of writing with these prompts is that it gives us the opportunity to step outside of ourselves for and look at our lives and experiences more objectively.  I find that I'm less judgmental in this process and more open to seeing the complexities of my personality and experience.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Everything Belongs - Chapter 4

Melissa often tells me "feelings aren't facts."  She finds herself saying this a lot in her therapy sessions as well--luckily I get a discount. It's taken me a while to catch on, but I'm slowly getting it, I think.  Just because I feel something (fear, anxiety, shame), doesn't mean that feeling has to define my reality.  If I can step back from the feeling a bit, I might be able to see a little more clearly.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Everything Belongs - Chapter 3

As I allude to from time to time, I'm not really a sports fan (though in high school I was decent with a hacky sack). Somehow, both Emma and Jake have ended up playing sports, so I find myself in places I would usually avoid, like gymnasiums. It just so happens I read this chapter of Everything Belongs while sitting on the sidelines of the Lexington Road Church of God's basketball court while Jake was practicing with his Upward team. I was pretty sure the squeaking of rubber and thumping of overinflated plastics was not an ideal environment for reading, but this was something I could do without wifi.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Everything Belongs - Chapter 2

I hope you're enjoying our journey through Richard Rohr's Everything Belongs so far. As we move to the second chapter, Rohr begins by saying that prayer is simple. To be honest, I'm not sure it feels simple yet. It doesn't feel like Rohr is complicating things, but even if prayer turns out to be a simple practice, it will never be easy. Perhaps that's part of what he's getting at in this chapter.

Blog Post | Kara Kilpatrick

Bloom Into Life - A Prayer by Kara Kilpatrick

Kara Kilpatrick wrote this litany for our Early Worship service last week.  It pulled together many parts of the service, from our reflections on the light of the world to Merton's vision on a street in Louisville of all humanity "shining like suns."  She ended our prayer together with an encouragement to use the mantra "Breathe in God's blessing.  Breathe out God's blessing to the world."  What a wonderful contemplation that binds together our inner life as beloved children of God with God's invitation to express that love by helping our neighbors.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Everything Belongs - Chapter 1

If you're like me, when you first start reading Richard Rohr's proclaiming via subtitle The Gift of Contemplative Prayer, you may ask "where's the part about praying?" It's an understandable question, but I think a clue can be found in Rohr's reference to The Practice of the Presence of God.

Central Baptist Church