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Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Help Us Make Central a Little More Green

Don't miss the new recycling station in our foyer. From cell phones and tablets to plastic bags and lids, we've got space for those items that can't be recycled in your bins. 

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Knit Together

This Summer I started knitting for the very first time.  After some coaching from our fearless leader, Liz McCubbin, I took my needles and yarn home to get to work. In about ten minutes, I managed to mess things up royally.  The next week I brought my tangled mess back to the class, and Liz was able to miraculously resurrect my feeble attempts into something identifiable as knitting.  This pattern continued for several weeks, but each time I managed to work a little longer before things devolved into entropy.  

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Over $1500 Raised for Missions at this Year's Church Picnic

Last Sunday, we had a great time at our annual church picnic.  We had great food, wonderful fellowship, and a successful dessert auction where we raised over $1,500 for medical missions.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Resources for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

No More (Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Resources)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) 

800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence Hotline

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Deborah Alexander Photography Exhibit at EKU

Photography from the career of our own Deborah Alexander will be on exhibit at EKU's Fred Parker Giles Gallery throughout October. The exhibit, titled “Surviving War, Building Peace: The Grace of Places,” comprises photos from her journey working with Mother Teresa through her work with the State Department in Bosnia, Afghanistan and beyond.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Reimagining Earth as a Beloved Community -by Aaron

Last week I was in Dayton for the Alliance of Baptists Gathering. And I must say, as an Alliance congregation, I think we're in good company.  From challenging speakers and thoughtful presenters to gracious and welcoming hosts, the Alliance continues to surprise me with it's ever-widening welcome and it's dedication to issues of justice for all people.

Blog Post | Crystal Shepherd

Prayers of the People 2-25-18 -by Crystal

Rev. Crystal Shepherd shared this prayer this past Sunday with the congregation.  Please join us as we pray for people both near and far.  

Blog Post | Crystal Shepherd

Prayer of Hope and Healing -by Crystal

This prayer, written by Rev. Crystal Shepherd and offered during our Service of Hope & Healing, invites us to remember the suffering in the world around us while remembering that God is always near, bringing hope and light.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Recommended Reading from the Minister's Class

The following is a list of books recommended by folks from Central Baptist Church as formative and meaningful in their Christian journey.  Please speak with the appropriate person if you would like more information about any of the following books.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Questioning White Heritage

As a predominately white descendent of 19th Century Irish and English immigrants to the United States, I am confused by the term “white heritage.”  My mother tells me of an Native American grandmother somewhere down branch on the family tree.  It wouldn't surprise me to find a smattering of other ethnicities in the bloodline, those with stories too shameful to get past the filter of our acceptable family narratives.

Central Baptist Church