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Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Questioning White Heritage

As a predominately white descendent of 19th Century Irish and English immigrants to the United States, I am confused by the term “white heritage.”  My mother tells me of an Native American grandmother somewhere down branch on the family tree.  It wouldn't surprise me to find a smattering of other ethnicities in the bloodline, those with stories too shameful to get past the filter of our acceptable family narratives.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

2017 Lenten Theme: Unlearn Fear + Hate

This year, we will focus our Lenten journey on the process of “unlearning.”  Unlearning starts with the recognition that we have, over time, developed very specific biases in the course of our lives.  These perspectives have served us well, but they are not universal.  Everyone has their own set of discriminations. The Christian practice of Lent is a purposed and discipline plan of letting go, of changing our patterns, of seeking to approach our life from a fresh angle. It may require a different pattern of behavior or response.  It may seek to undo old and more familiar ways before new connections and pathways can be made.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

I Pledge

In response to many in our congregation who were seeking a "word" at the end of a long and tumultuous election season, our church staff planned a service of hope, songs and prayers on Wednesday evening, November 9th.   The following is a pledge I presented at this service.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

United in Thanksgiving

In the midst of this anxiety-inducing election season, we all could use some peace. In the flurry of hateful, divisive words that seem to have little regard for the common good, it’s nice to be reminded that folks can still get along—even people with diverse backgrounds and beliefs. 

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Central Joins in Moral National Day of Action in Frankfort

Monday morning, several of us joined with clergy and lay persons from different faith traditions in the region to ask for fair and just policies that benefit all, rather than a select few.  Clergy, including our own Pastor Mark, asked for reforms that would provide better health care, living-wage jobs, quality education, and equal voting rights for all.  

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Progressive Christianity Seminar Audio

On Sunday morning May 29th, I led the second of two spring conversations on “An Introduction to Progressive Christianity.”   While identical in content to the General Session held in early April, this “make-up” presentation was also an opportunity for a better quality recording of the material.

Blog Post | Becky Colliver

Why I Relay: Becky Colliver

The main reason I Relay is Hope. As the world’s largest fundraising fundraising event, it is the most effective way I have found to end cancer. It gives you the most “bang for your buck” and give everyone Hope that this horrible disease can be defeated. 

Blog Post | Crystal Shepherd

Counseling at Central

People often ask me what it is I do.  I seem to be an oddity in the realm of ministry.  A pastoral counselor is one-part therapist to one-part pastor.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Open Source Church

How simple things from signs to conversations can create an environment of transparency, hospitality, and equality.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Rachel Childress Travels to Africa

In September I am blessed to attend a Habitat for Humanity International Global Village trip to Malawi, Africa.

Central Baptist Church