Blog Post | Worship Committee

Worship Committee Reflections Highlights

The Worship Committee is grateful for the participation in this writing process and the responses are helpful in planning future worship experiences.

Blog Post | Transition Development Committee

Update From the Transition Development Committee

We have been working with the Center for Congregational Health to secure an Interim Minister during our transitional time. This organization is a great resource for us as they provide possible candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and tons of ministerial experience, including the transitional process.  

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Thank You, Dear Church Family

I do not have adequate words to express my gratitude for the grace you showed me on Sunday.  I am truly humbled at your words of affirmation, your hugs, your smiles, and the deep acceptance that I felt.  You have shown me the love of Christ for more than a decade now, and I felt the richness and depth of that love on Sunday.  I will cherish this day in my heart, dear family of faith.  It's my prayer that this same rich and mysterious love will surprise you as you realize anew that you are loved, cherished, and accepted in the heart of God and in this family of faith as well.

Blog Post | Kurt Snyder

Art Class - A Poem By Kurt Snyder

Central member Kurt Snyder read his poem "Art Class" in our worship service on June 30, 2024 for our Pride Sunday service.

Tiny fingers, stained a rainbow of hues, gripping waxy crayons like colorful scepters. Tongues peek out in total concentration as fledgling imaginations spill out onto paper. Goldenrod becomes a lion’s mane, hot magenta a prancing dragon’s scales. Every new color pulled from the box is a vibrant discovery, a new facet of their world laid bare. The sky isn’t just blue, it shimmers with streaks of cerulean and cornflower. Trees aren’t merely green, they boast electric lime leaves with hints of olive and tropical rain forest.

Blog Post | Juliette Wallace

Midwives of a Movement

Last Tuesday we held a screening of the new Baptist Women in Ministry's documentary, Midwives of a Movement. This thought-provoking movie led to a meaningful conversation after. You can watch the documentary online.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Welcoming Juliette Wallace to CBC Staff

We are excited to welcome Juliette Wallace as Assistant to the Ministerial Staff at CBC!  Juliette is an alumni from Hanover College. She got her degree in Theological Studies and Art and Design. She starts Seminary at the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky in the fall, working on a Masters in Divinity. Juliette has been helping at the church since her senior year of high school and is very excited to be officially working here.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Pastoral Transition Planning Update

After learning of Mark’s retirement, the Deacons and other church leaders have been in prayer and conversations about next steps in preparing for this transition. These groups are actively putting together plans for what is ahead.  We encourage your prayers as we walk together into these important days in the life of our church.

Blog Post | CJ James

A Prayer for Healing, Restorative Grace

I am convinced that an invitation to God’s loving embrace and beloved community is first an invitation to love yourself just as you are, imperfections and all. In that sense, the prayer below can be read as a genuine plea on my own behalf for a peace that I am still searching and longing for. It would be much simpler if it were a one-time fix that never changed, but it seems, in my experience at least, to be more of an ebb and flow. There are seasons of deep love, joy, laughter, and comfort riddled with times of deep sorrow, dejection, hopelessness and depression. For that reason, I decided to start the prayer with thankfulness for the beautiful gift of community.

Blog Post | Juliette Wallace

Happy Women’s History Month!

Welcome to Women’s History Month. The month of March is meant to celebrate the successes and struggles of women, (not to be the only time we do so). We’re given this month to dedicate time to highlight the plight of women for gaining our rights, political representation, education, voting, church life, and science. In summation: everywhere.


Blog Post | Mary Kathryn Tri

Christmas Boxes Update

The Women on Mission and Central Baptist recently delivered 125 boxes to the Appalachian Christmas Boxes distribution headquarters at at First Baptist Church in Corbin.

Central Baptist Church