Blog Post | Pat Ingram

From the CBC Archives – Happy 70th Anniversary, CBC!

Central Baptist Church was organized in November 1953.  Plans for starting a mission originated in 1951 when Central Baptist Hospital was being constructed on South Limestone. Interest flagged then was renewed and on Sunday, November 8, 1953 at 3:00 PM at Trinity Methodist Church on South Limestone, 33 people representing five churches met to make plans for organizing a Baptist Church.

Blog Post | Rebecca Wallace

Food Insecurity and How We Can Help

By addressing the root causes of hunger, we will make greater strides to not only nourishing bodies, but also nourishing souls and restoring dignity. No matter your capability or where you find the most joy, there is always a way to help.

Blog Post | Dennis Johnson

Helen Barrett Montgomery: Baptist Leader, Activist, and Academic

Helen Barrett Montgomery (1861–1934) was the first woman to translate the New Testament from Greek into English and have it professionally published as The New Testament in Modern English by the American Baptist Publication Society. In 1899 she was the first woman elected to the Rochester (NY) School Board, twenty years before women secured the right to vote. In 1921 she was elected the first female president of the Northern Baptist Convention (today American Baptist Churches, USA), which also made her the first woman president of any American religious denomination.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Dear Kentucky, Love Our Trans Kids

Last week I found myself in the parking garage of our state capitol waiting on an elevator.  I was carrying a sign I made earlier that morning with a fading kingsize sharpie and pastel crayons.  It read "Love our trans kids," and had a heart with stripes of blue and pink to represent the trans flag.  It had taken a long time to come up with a few simple words.  All the words that initially came to mind weren't appropriate for political discourse.

Blog Post | Ministerial Staff

Seeking Clarity on Amendment 2

The following statement concerning Amendment 2 was written by the ministerial staff of Central Baptist Church and has been endorsed by our deacon body.  We honor our Baptist commitment to the separation of church and state and respect each person's right to vote their conscience.  This statement seeks to clarify the intention and implications of this amendment.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Jim Abernathy to Serve as Interim Choral Director

We are happy to report that Rev. Dr. Jim Abernathy, who has served this fall as our Interim Choral Director, has agreed to extend his Interim work with us through the month of April, 2023.  We are so pleased for his leadership and the wonderful presentations we have enjoyed in worship under his direction with the choir and our accompanist Mark DeAlba.  Don’t forget, the traditional "Lessons and Carols" service will be the Fourth Sunday of Advent on December 18th with special poetry additions from “Remembering That It Happened Once,” edited by Dennis Johnson.  It will be a special time to recognize the choir’s hard work and our continued support of this important ministry of our church.  Thank you Jim (and Cindy) for this added time allowing all of us to continue our working together.

Blog Post | Charles Conkin

Apply to Volunteer with Children and Youth

The youth and children at Central are in need of your help. We have many places and ways that you can volunteer without committing to every Sunday. If you are interested, we need you to fill out a volunteer application and background check form. This is a way we create a safe space for our young people and build trust for faith to florish. A few things that you might want to know before filling out the application...

Blog Post | Isaac Scott

Music Minister Search Committee

Central is establishing a search committee to seek the new leader for our music ministry. The search committee’s role is to craft the position description, interview candidates, and ultimately make a recommendation of hire to the Church. The committee will work with current staff, the Personnel Committee, and others to ensure this new hire will meet current and anticipated music ministry needs.

Blog Post | Aaron Austin

Community Connections with Habitat for Humanity (video)

We recently spoke with Jeremiah Myers, Resource Development Director with Lexington Habitat for Humanity about volunteer opportunities during our summer build.  We also heard from Anny, the homebuyer on this project.  We're grateful to be a part of the good work that Habitat and our congregational partners are doing in our community.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Raleigh Kincaid’s Retirement

Raleigh has announced his retirement as our Minister of Worship on June 12.  We are filled with mixed emotions, happy to celebrate this milestone in Raleigh’s life, grateful for his excellent caring ministry to our congregation for over 3 decades and saddened to anticipate a future without this caring and steady presence.  Raleigh has strongly built upon our reputation as a church offering a high quality of musical excellence respectfully honoring the many forms of gospel, traditional and classical styles that many congregations have more recently forgotten.  While we know replacing Raleigh is an impossibility, the commitment to a continued excellence with our choir and Mark de Alba remains our priority as we seek to plan ahead.

Central Baptist Church