In last week’s special called business meeting, the church unanimously approved the motion to enter int o a three year lease agreement with the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. They will be leaving their presence at Georgetown College and will move the work they did there to our facility.
We have designated 7 rooms for them that will serve for administrative and faculty offices along with shared space agreements for other functions including classroom instruction. They will mainly be using the dedicated entrance once used by the Childcare with occupancy scheduled to mid-summer.
This month we're reading Anam Ċara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue. For me this book is like a deep cleansing breath. O’Donohue’s lyrical prose is something to be sensed and felt as much as understood—after all, he was also a poet. There is a lovely discussion of these themes with the author that was my introduction to O'Donohue and this work at On Being with Krista Tippett.