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Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Baptist Seminary of Kentucky To Reside at Central Baptist Church

In last week’s special called business meeting, the church unanimously approved the motion to enter int o a three year lease agreement with the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky.  They will be leaving their presence at Georgetown College and will move the work they did there to our facility. We have designated 7 rooms for them that will serve for administrative and faculty offices along with shared space agreements for other functions including classroom instruction.  They will mainly be using the dedicated entrance once used by the Childcare with occupancy scheduled to mid-summer.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

How to Volunteer for Afghan Relief

Hear how a short story from Deborah Alexander inspires our calling to help be good neighbors.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Stopping HB 4

An immediate plan of action is being requested from churches who, like ours, are a part of the Kentucky Council of Churches.  It involves details of HB 4, which as defined below has the potential to negatively impact the most vulnerable in our community and State.  As historic Baptists, we understand the principle of church and state separation to prohibit the use of church resources to endorse and campaign for specific political candidates, not as the need for the church to be silent about policy decisions that might negatively hurt the powerless.  I invite you to learn and study about HB 4 by following the included links and if so led by the Spirit, to take action.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Let's Support Simmons College

Making the most out of a crisis requires us to surprise the world with good trouble.  The recent bomb threats to HBCUs is an opportunity for us to offer our support. I was inspired to enact one of these great lessons thanks to a recent article from Baptist News entitled, "Stop threatening HBCUs" by Dr. David Cassady of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky.  He is responding to the recent bomb threats across the county to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, which we now are learning were likely propagated by a set of juveniles.  But, let's not kid ourselves.  This is not just a prank, but a long-standing exercise of intimidation and racial animus that we can notice over and over again, infecting our young with racial prejudice that is deeply embedded into the American fabric.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

2022 Devotional Pathways

This past Sunday (Jan 9) I introduced a trinitarian definition for cultivating a Christian spiritual practice.   I advocated “a life given over to a transforming relationship with the wisdom of God through the witness and work of Jesus Christ under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.”   And while this presents a grand and lofty goal for spiritual aspiration, the real work is in the details.  In this blog post, we will review a few of these practical suggestions you may wish to incorporate into your life this new year.

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Thrive Survey in September

Join the Racial Reconciliation Survey project

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Reopening Survey

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey!

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Preparing For Your Labyrinth Experience

Special Instructions for Your Labyrinth Experience

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Labyrinths: Part II Follow-Up

Follow these links to learn about and take your own Labyrinth journey

Blog Post | Mark Johnson

Labyrinths: Part One

Vespers Guest - The Reverend Doctor Jan Cottrell shares with us about Labyrinths

Central Baptist Church